Friday, March 14, 2025

Research evaluation office


Research evaluation office

This office is in charge of supervising and evaluating the research activities of students, staff and instructors in forms of books, papers and master’s degree theses. This unit will award research grants based on the type and quality of the activities.

This office is also responsible for conserving the intellectual properties of the Daneshpajoohan Pishro Higher Education Institute.


National validated journals:

Journals in the list of Validated Journals of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology or Ministry of Health and Medical Education which also are not listed in the list of invalidated national journals.

The evaluation criterion for the validation of these journals is their current state. The list of validated and invalidated journals is put on the page of Research Center of the institute; this list is available on websites of the aforementioned ministries.

Journals that have and index of ISI, JCR or ISI, WOS or Scopus or ISC or a validated specialized index, in addition to scientific-research degrees, enjoy higher research points.


International validated journals:

Journals with the indexes of ISI or Scopus or a validated specialized index.

The precondition for the validity of every international journal is not to be in the blacklist of invalidated international journals which is put on the page of Research Center of the institute.

The journals with impact factors and listed in ISI-JCR journals will have higher research points, based on the amount of impact factor, average impact factor, and sum of journals within the same category.

Journals in the same category are divided into four levels based on their quality; upper quarters possess higher research credits. This information is updated and published annually.

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