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13th International Conference on Sustainable Development and Urban Construction

Sustainable development as an effective movement against the adversities of the modern world, attempts to organize and secure our future. As it is defined by the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED), sustainable development considers the needs of both present and future generations. Altogether, its main objective is to improve human life on earth, which requires the coordination and cooperation among economic, social, and environmental aspects. By the economic advances and the eradication of poverty, mankind can reach peace, safety and social health, and a bright future is imaginable; however, economic growth spreads pollution and contaminations, endangering the environment. Sustainable development tries to subdue this chaos. Furthermore, by the acceleration in urbanization and reaching 70% total urban population in the near future, as well as the impacts of human manipulations on the surface of the earth, we are once again reminded of the essence of urban sustainable development. This great responsibility rests on the shoulders of universities and academic institutions to nurture proficient and thoughtful forces to scientifically compensate for the shortcomings of development in the future. That’s why Daneshpajoohan Pishro Higher Education Institute, having the experience of conducting twelve national and international conferences, has held ‘the 13th International Conference on Sustainable Development and Urban Construction’ with cooperation of country executive organizations and internal and foreign universities on 14th to 15th of December, 2023.

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