International Relations:

First convention to introduce the international achievements of Daneshpajoohan Pishro

First convention to introduce the international achievements of Daneshpajoohan Pishro Higher Education Institute


This convention was held on September 29, 2018, to provide students with an introduction to the international connections, opportunities and activities of the institute, at the conference hall of Architecture & Urban Development Department. During this convention, abroad summer schools, agreements with foreign universities and institutions, international common projects and workshops, International Conferences on Sustainable Development, Urban Construction and Regeneration, and the English website of DHEI were introduced to students.

In addition, two short courses – English grammar and style & How to Write an Essay – were presented too. Those interested can refer to the international office of DHEI. Please note that English Grammar and Style starts on October 8, and How to Write an Essay starts on October 11.

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